Hello Esports Youth Club family, it’s been a while since our last events update hasn’t it? We’ve been busy gaming, sorry!
Recently, for the past six weeks, we have been hosting gaming sessions every Friday evening on the Tulse Hill Estate in Brixton, Lambeth, in partnership with To Honor Youth and LEAP.
Over the course of the six weeks, we took our setup over to Tulse Hill and in turn received such an amazing reception from the young people there. We played video games, listened to music and witnessed some sometimes questionable dancing from the gamers in the building…
It was really refreshing to see such a range of video games being loved by everyone in attendance. Alongside the big hitters like FIFA, NBA & Fortnite, other titles such as WWE, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, Rocket League and Rumbleverse also proved to be great titles to play among friends and gaming rivals alike.
One of the main things to take away from our time spent at Tulse Hill Estate so far has been the overwhelming sense of joy, the happiness of the young people and the overall immaculate vibes from them all.
It was clear that gaming was a favourite hobby for a lot of the people in attendance. We were so happy to be able to provide a safe space for people to come along, lose themselves in their favourite games for a few hours and make friendships whilst doing so.
We loved our stint down at Tulse Hill Estate, and we hope to be back there again very soon for more fun and games, with the support of our partners. Weekly sessions such as this provide such a positive night for our gamers, which shows the true value youth services can provide to the community.
If you want to check out what a session looked like, then head over to our Instagram @esportsyouthclub now. If you run a charity, business, youth club or general youth service and want to get involved in what we’re doing, then get in touch with us via our ‘contact us’ page now - don’t sleep!
